This is your RCRC rowing account page. How can you use it?
- You can Upload Your Documents on this page.
You’re not fully registered until you upload the three documents listed. They are required to be uploaded to the rower’s account page. If you have not done so, please print the documents now to for you and your rower to complete. You can upload them at different times, but all three documents are required to complete to registration process. So, remember to come back and upload them (as either an image or file)!
Forms Needing to Complete the Registration Process (to download, print, sign, & upload)
RCRC COVID-19 Rules of Conduct Contract and Waiver
- You can Edit your Rower’s Information on this page
You can revisit this page at any time to edit or upload forms using the account link provided in the email you received after registering. However, to save this information all required sections with an asterisk* must be completed. Any information you add to this form will not be saved if you refresh the page or if you do not complete all the required fields & click Save.
If you forget your account link, you can visit here or you can visit the RCRC registration page and click “I’ve already signed up, but forgot your account link” which will take you to a page where you can enter your account email to get your link.
No record was found.
Pay Online By PayPal or Credit Card
If you chose to pay via PayPal or by credit card, visit Pay Now. Your payment is due after you sign up to complete the rower’s registration. If you selected to pay differently, please contact me.
Other Forms
RCRC Waiver of Liability – COVID-19